Saturday, June 25, 2005

i said this word dunno how many thousand
times today...

i repeated like so many times,
i feel like a spoilt radio!
i said Thank you the most!
i so polite!

today was so successful!
damn lar...
it's like damn TIRING
mi and seokk`
a bit like walking corpse
whn we going home...

li hai maa???
heyy got 6 pages of
stickers to each person
and this shows i'm li hai!

i so proud of myself

i aim all the foreigners
some ppl very nice
wahh got this guy
i think he busy or sth
wan to da fa mi away...
he reach into his pocket
grab all the coin
dumb onto the can
call mi put inside can
then he hurried off...
alot of coins sia!

then i go aim
those with kids!!!
they so ke aii...
then their parents
give them money
drop into the can
i give them stickers!
they so ke aii laaa =)))

then 2 ppl that
already donated
offered to donate again
so nice laa...

if is mi i wun even
*i'm broke

helped some wif
directions too...
so funn =)))

then this guy
put i think america
money inn....

we all all stationed
outside orchard mrt...
ALOT OF PPL kaee....
is like got ppl walking
along the stretch of road
then got ppl coming out
of mrt...
yun huey and seokk`
wait for ppl coming out
of the mrt....

i like spoilt radio
going at the ppl
walking on the stretch
of road going
"would you like to donate?"

but tiring
it's still funn =)))

i todae in happy
so high sia...
=)))) *winks

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

1. Do you like to talk alot?
lalala... of coz!
haha, i'm talkativee....
find mi if you're bored!!!
let's talk =)))

2.Do you like anyone?
hmmmmm.... maby?

3.Do you hate being scolded?
duh! who likes to be scolded???

4.Do you hate school??
see my mood... =))

5.Do you hate yourself??
no. why should i?

6.Do you find yourself fat??
haha... ehhh....
i got jian fei!!!
not fat animore...
i'm not fat!
i'm average...

7.Do you feel like having a gf/bf?
haha whu wants mi as a gf???

8.Do you want to smoke or drink?
no! haha... drink maby laa...
drink a bit...

9.Do you like your teachers?
haha.. I like Mr Yao!
andd Mr Hou!
ohh Mr Chan is a nice pe tcher
and i like Mrs Low too =)))
Mrs Peh!!! haha...
Literature is funn *grinx

10.Do you have a handphone?
yesh duh!
i reaching my sms limit!
*first time

11.Do you take Drugs?
haha... you mad arh!
haha... no...

13.Do you like going to the movies?
YESH!!! i wannnnn to watch movies!!!
i must find ways to cough up money...
i grew with movies kae...
how can i not like them...
i LOVE them laaa =)))

14.Do you have a pet?
haha... yes... hammies =)))
and my dad has 2 fighting fish
that he can't stop admiring...
and my silly bro brought a
silly kitten home...

15.Do you prefer calling? or sms ?
sms =)))
i seldom call ppl lehx...
ppl seldom call mi oso...

16.Do you eat every morning?
hols, no...
i wake up in afternoon...
save breakfast...
eat lunch can le...

17.Do you go on net everyday?
almost everyday...
there's nth for mi to do at home

18.Do you want to cry now?

19. What are you doing now?

20. What are you thinking now?
how should i keep myself entertained until 11.00pm.

21. What are you listening to now?
Wu Ding... =)))

22. Last person message to you?
think is huai xun.

23. Last time you get lonely?
when ppl dun talk to mi...
i dun rmb whn's the last time.

24. Last time someone made you happy?
haha... tv made my laugh...

25. Are you angry at someone?

26. Guitar or Drum?
i miss playing the guitar!
so funn...
i wann to learn drum!
so cool... heee =)))

27. Beer or Milk?

28. Gay or Lesbian?
haha.... i'm gay...

29. Do you like bi sexual?
like? i dunno...
never happened...

30.When is the last time people said you're a poser?
i'm not one!
i dun think anione said i'm one...

31. Do you like/love that person that makes you happy just now?
i have an average normal mood noww...
can't rmb whu made mi happy...
*bad memory

32. Do you believe that person?

33. What is your target for this year?
ehhh... many targets...

34. Do you rather shop alone or with people?
shop alone not funn onee...

35. what are your wishes now??
trying to think of a way that i would have
more money...
thinking of how i should save money.
thinking of why i'm so slack
thinking why i'm so paranoidd...

Monday, June 20, 2005


i cut my hair todae!
i look horribly KIDDISH!

i dunno
somehow the more i
look at my fringe
then more i cannot stand
very kidd....

i 15 kaee...
not mistake mi for
ani age younger...

my fringe too ROUND...
someone tell mi
wht to do...

and that DAMN
irritating bro of mine
cannot stop yaking....
dunno wht is his
fucking problem...
so sarcastic laa!
cannot stop suaning


how how how???

Sunday, June 19, 2005

i did this last year
in one of my entry...
so since i have nth
to blogg now,
i shall do that again!

10 Most Used/Favourite Lines

1. Lame -.-'''
2. huh?
3. chey...
4. WL
5. I want to watch TV!
6. Tonight got what show arh?
7. *whines
8. *screams
9. ehh!
10 *laughs

9 Most Enjoyed/Favourite Movies

1. Peter Pan
2. Swing Girls
3. House of Fury
4. Howl's Moving Castle
5. Phantom of the Opera
6. Spiderman 1, 2
7. Xmen 1, 2
8. Please Teach Me English
9. Resident Evil 1, 2

8 Favourite Food

1. BA CHOR MI!!!
2. Carrot Cake
3. Fried Dumpling (my mum make de! haha... *yummy)
4. Beef Noodles
5. Soups (i love drinking soups! TOM YAM SOUP!!! *hot)
6. Sweets! (i eat sweets at a scary rate! haha.... )
7. Almond Jelly with Longan
8. TAU HUAY! (whteva it is spelled! Must eat wif Crossiant! even nicer!)

7 Most Wanted Items

1. Billabong Clothes
2. Billabong Wallet
3. New Watch
4. New pair of sneakers
5. New earrings
6. Bags =)))
7. money! (then i can buy everything i wann... haha*)

6 Most Enjoyed Activity

1. Watching Movies!!!
2. Shopping (but i usually have no money for it... *sighx)
3. Watch TV!!!
4. Blogging =)))
5. Blasting Music at Home (REAL LOUDD*)
6. Laughing! *hehe

5 Best Friends

1. wenn`
2. ting`
3. li`
4. jane =)))
5. cuzzie*

4 Favourite TV shows

1. Charmed*
2. Inuyasha
3. One Piece
4. CSI

3 Favourite Colours

1. Black
2. Pink (not ALL shades of pink arhh.... some shade i realli dun like de horx)
3. Purple (oso not ALL shades! some look eeee... haha*)

2 Things that will alwaes be in my Bag

1. Handbook diary
(filled up wif lotsa doodles!!! very colourful!!
and every month's calender is filled and it's
VERY nice! =))) drew lotsa stuffs inside!
ohh, there's song lyrics inside too *grinx)
2. My Markers
(hehe, to doodle my handbook! Can't
doodle without them! I gonna get a
bigger collection of markers!
more colours!!!)

1 Favourite Nick
Jinnett =)))
i dunno how i tot of this...
but this spelling is very unique
horx! haha...
it's *copyright arhh...
only enn` use this =)))

Saturday, June 18, 2005


we love billabong alot!!!
coz billabong
RAWKS alot!!!

went towning todae
wif bestiex =)))

we watched Mr and Mrs Smith
It's very NICE!
quite horny too...
last part esp...
coz beginning they are
at this marriage counsellor
or sth...
then he asked them
how many times they
have sex...
then they couldn't
give an ans i think...

at the end of the
coz they reconciled
then brad pitt told
the marriage counsellor
"ask mi abt the sex qns"
then he answered it
so horny!!!

then some part
very ke aii!
the part whn mrs smith
told mr smith
she has killed 312
when mr smith
onli killed ard 50-60
ppl only...
mr smith was like
sighing there...
very funny
his reaction was
very cute...

went shop shop
bought ear studs!
but now i look at
it, a bit not nice lehx...
it's ok
saw lotsa familiar
ppl too!
so qiao!
tskk tskk

then we went
windwo SHOPPING!
and we have come
to a decision
to not eat and save up
for our dear
so niceee!
i love billabong
i no money buy them!

we went to TopShop
tried clothes
i like the skirt i tried!
sooo NICE!
it's so damn nice laa
and the price oso
very nice laa...
i prefer the shorter
one lehx...
but wenn say the longer
one nicer...
and mi and ting`
tried this green shirt
it's SO NICE!
and it's DAMN COMFY la!
really lor...
and it's more ex
than the skirt
the price EVEN nicer!

and we tried on
sunglasses too...
not nice de...

and rmb that
time ms Ng say
"things that are so ex
that u can't afford to buy
and the only way to own
it is to take foto wif it"
sth like tat...
and that's wht we did!

we took foto wif
those sunglasses
and the clothes!
it's funn todae!

we have made
plans =)))

and we shall
write billabong
on each other's arm
must rmb to SAVE UP
for itt!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

back to the times
whereby i am so bored
i do this kind of things...
which is okk...
people to get to know mi betta!
and if u are bored too...
sms mi!
chat wif mi!

here goes...

o1. wad are you doin?
nth... this??

o2. wad were you doin before?
watching tv...
but i got bored u see...

o3. who are you thinking of now?
maby someone... or maby not...

o5. wad tyme did you sleep last night?
i think i am beoming panda!
i can't seem to fall asleep...

o6. wad did you do last night?
do maths...
trying to bore myself to sleep....
toss abt bed..
but still din fall asleep
went to toilet
toss again...
still can't fall asleep
did english
finally i got tired
and fall asleep...

o7. wad did you last say to a friend?
bye bye! =)))

o8. wad attracts euu to the opposite sex?
character =)))
haha... their good sense of humour?
or maby their hairstyle?

o9. wad makes you happy?
when i am with my frenx! =)))
when things are happy and everything is great!
funny shows?
funny people!

10. wad are you wearing right now?
my recruits red band tee,
and my pri sch pe shorts...
my fav home clothes =)))

11. wad will you do after answering this?
watch tv again!

12. who was the last person you talkedto?
ehh... wenn` or ting` or li` or maby sp`...

13. wad do you want to tell ur crush butyou haven't?
do you like mi???
like i will do tat...

14. when is your birthday?
20th Jan
not good have bdae in Jan...
dun like...
dun have good bdaes
but it's getting betta =))

15. what you wanna get 4 ur birthday?
things i likee =)))
a box of sweets is oso ok..
i like sweets =)))
billabong stuffs?
lolx... if u have money!
or maby,
by telling mi how much i mean to youu

16. when did you last cry?
i can't realli rmb lehx...
i prefer laughing!
laughing makes u younger!
let's join the laughing club! =)))

17. when did you last smile?
i'm smiling noww...

18. why are u answering these questions?
coz i realli have nth betta to do...

19. when will you marry?

2o. when did u last receive a gift?
just noww,
my piano tcher gave mi a pouch
which her mum bought for
her whn she went for hols
(she bought too many for her u see)
then i gave it to my grandma
coz she like =)))

21. when did you last drink alcoholic beverages?
can't rmb...
long long time ago...
maby during malaka...
that's long ago!

22. who will you vote for president?
ask wrong person...
i not into politics....

23. who was the last person you talked about?

24. who makes you happy?
all my deariex! my besties!
my darlings!

26. who do u love?
my family!

27. who do you hate most among your friends?
normally whn u hate a fren...
they dun usually be your fren animore
do they???

29. who has the cutest smile you've ever seen?
my besties =)))

30. who do you talk on d phone with
i dun usually tok on phone...
unless u wanna tok wif mi???
i probably oblige in doing so =))

31. do you belong to a club in your school?
*scratch head

32. how's school?
ok laa...

33. any regrets?
nth BIG in particular...

34. do you take drugs?
are u nuts?

35. are you a shopaholic?
if i have money!
i will become one!!!

36. do you have someone in mind that you wish to get marry with?

37. do you like swimming?
not realli...
i prefer to play wif water!

38. do you wear eye contacts?
I have PERFECT vision!!!
=))) *yays

40. do you kiss your parents good night?
i dun like to kiss anione...

41. does your bf/gf often send you messages in friendster?
1. i dun have one
2. i dun send msgs in friendster

42. how about in e-mail?
no... colour?
jet black would be nice =)))
but my hair's not entirely black

44. hair style?
my hair's like straw...

45. feeling right now?
i need to go toilet...

46. what makes u feel that?
*stoopid qns
wht makes u feel like going toilet???
ans that!

47. how do you treat your loved ones?
by making them laugh...
by going crazy

48. are you loved?
i hopee...

49. weather?

50. what are u wishing for now?
for sth...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

i realise sth quite true...
been doing alot of thinking

typical yongen thinkings

sec 3 din appreciate
cedar as mux as the other
as according to the
survey they do every year...
which i find true...
coz i getting a bit like that
it's not that i not
appreciating cedar or wat..
just that i din enjoy
sch as mux as whn
i was sec 1 or 2...
many reasons actually...
maby coz my class,
and some other issues laa...
that some other issue
is stoopid
though it's true
shan't reveal here...
heee... =)))

oh well...
i din dread sch
just din enjoy that

felt quite left out
in class...
not always...
coz we kinda got
together le...

and some other
things make mi
quite troubled too...

but i'm ok...
they din realli
get to mi that mux...
as long as i dun think
abt it...
they dun seem
that explicit....
am i rite to use that???
ok nvm...
i dun care...
kekex... =

Thursday, June 09, 2005


how cum so little
people cum!!!
see laa, I'm suppose
to be promoter,
instd of getting
promoted or getting
pay rise, i probably
getting a sack ritex?
maby i shld switch
line nxt time!
I be overall Supervisor!
that i would take wenn`
job away...
that would leave her
wif no job...
coz her boss is gonna
sack herr soon...
I shall elaborate ltr..

the DAMN weather
i couldn't sleep the
entire nitex!!!
DAMN the mosquitoes too!
I kept spraying
insect repellent!
but they still bite mi!!!

I had a BAD time
trying to fall asleep...
i DIN sleep at all to be exact!
how to sleep in that
stoopid weather...
so HOT laa!!!

andd everyone
ok almost everyone
is trying to get mi to
eat that STINKY crayfish
(whteva the spelling is)
i tell u, that is the
smelliest seafood I smelled,
whn they all are washing
the crayfish, it filled the
whole kitchen with the
smell! *gross

thenn they still say
they cannot smell anithing
whn my ah ma in the
living room cann smell...

and horr!!!
my cuzzie, denise
wahh she sooo li hai sia!
almost got mi in trouble
with my dad!!
she and her mouth...
*tap it!
okok i joking onli...
but you arhh...
thanks alot....
(i'm trying to be
sarcastic =pPp)

think the funn
only started at ard
and mi and lily
actually hadd a BATH!!!
i was damn sticky laa!
just a short shower

coz elvis and lily
was damn funny laa!!!
they kept arguing...

there was this cat
that came to the pit
and elvis offered
a raw stingray to tat cat...
whn another cat came,
elvis ran after that
cat, with another stingray
in her hands...
and i was joking there saying
"ltr that cat come back
with the gang then elvis
die le..."
but after that i realise
elvis is MAO WANG!
and the mao wang
thing cont thru out the
how nice arh...
this mao wang
actually chases after cats...
and she said sth disgusting
until everyone was
like "....."

and lily kept
clearing up the place
so we say she
is "maria-possessed"
as in become a maid...
then elvis was her
boss... haha...
she become entertainer oso!
so funny!
she say she is
maid in Hawaii,
Honolulu, lala land...
wahhh *pengx
then she somemore
ask whether we want
to see her dance
chao qun wu...
(straw-dress dance)
and of coz,
we shouted
no in unison...
cannot imagine her
dancing chao qun wu...

noww comes the part
where i shall tell
you how i tried to
fall asleep!

ok... first stop
in the tent...
it was horrible in there
very hot, sticky
and there were insects!
so i went outside
ly on the mat
but i was alone
and it got quite scary
so i persuaded them
to go to the
breakwater with mi...
i almost fall asleep there...
thanks to the mosquitoes laa!!!
bite mi...
then i kept scratching
so itchy, then i
can't fall asleep le!
haven finish!
then i decided to
go under the pavillion
the restaurant de...
sleep on the chair
but the chair was so HARD
how to sleep
not to forget the hot

i climbed onto
the table,
sat on the sides
elvis off all the lights
sat on 2 chairs
still can't fall asleep
then i give up liaox
by then alreadi dawn
we went to
the beach and walk walk...

then then!!
i found the PERFECT
spot to sleep!!
how nice ritex
the whole nite is gone
and i onli found a nice
spot to sleep in the

it's the bench
ard the pathway...
haha... then duno
hu say they finally
understand why beggers
sleeps on them...
but really it's the
nicest place to sleep...
but it was already morning rmb?
so naturally
there would be
ppl walking, jogging
cycling ard....
i actually fell asleep
on that bench for a while
then i got so
paiseh coz i guess every
passerby would probably
be staring at mi...
so i used by waist pouch
to cover my face...
*stoopid ritex...
then wenn or someone
says next time i sleep like
that they put a bowl there
can earn money still...
haha... so funny...
but i din tahan there
for long...
i cannot stand so
many ppl passing
by and staring at mi!


after that,
they came my house to
sleep... in my room
with air-con
on the floor though
so dirrty how can
sleep on my bed!
cannot fit so mani ppl

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Balloon Hat Festival

let's see, I tot
i wouldn't enjoy it
that mux.. It was
okay... quite funn
but i dun realli like wht
I was wearing laa...
sooo, ermm....
nth to say....

and our playing was
well, ermxx,
nth to say too....
just plain
horrible laa...
which is very true...
sad to say howeva...


I had funn...
but no one dancing
wif mi!!!
i very high lahx...
the whole band like
on ecstacy or sth...
tskk tskk

screamming all the wayy,
but i shall say this,
first time see band
haha... we were
swaying there whn
Dunman was playing...
i was staring at Lynn!
Must give her support
so long din see her le

Shu Yan was so funni
too laa... She damn high
oso... came and demo
how to play one of
the so called "merry-go-round"
I damn giddy
sitting on it...
3 sections each have
their try on it...
lolx... i was spinning
there when i have a
sweet in my mouth...

and Mrs Lim was
saying if we appear on
SGgirls, we are done
for man...
surely kena scolded
by principal...
but i think wun laa..

we are so
spastic, we realli
waving at every
bus that passes
I seriously think
that was very funny
was quite reluctant
to do it laa...
but i still waved
ok maby not that
crazy.. haaa..

I had funn laa
din turn out
as bad as i expected
it though...
i was afraid it would
be quite malueting