Wednesday, June 22, 2005

1. Do you like to talk alot?
lalala... of coz!
haha, i'm talkativee....
find mi if you're bored!!!
let's talk =)))

2.Do you like anyone?
hmmmmm.... maby?

3.Do you hate being scolded?
duh! who likes to be scolded???

4.Do you hate school??
see my mood... =))

5.Do you hate yourself??
no. why should i?

6.Do you find yourself fat??
haha... ehhh....
i got jian fei!!!
not fat animore...
i'm not fat!
i'm average...

7.Do you feel like having a gf/bf?
haha whu wants mi as a gf???

8.Do you want to smoke or drink?
no! haha... drink maby laa...
drink a bit...

9.Do you like your teachers?
haha.. I like Mr Yao!
andd Mr Hou!
ohh Mr Chan is a nice pe tcher
and i like Mrs Low too =)))
Mrs Peh!!! haha...
Literature is funn *grinx

10.Do you have a handphone?
yesh duh!
i reaching my sms limit!
*first time

11.Do you take Drugs?
haha... you mad arh!
haha... no...

13.Do you like going to the movies?
YESH!!! i wannnnn to watch movies!!!
i must find ways to cough up money...
i grew with movies kae...
how can i not like them...
i LOVE them laaa =)))

14.Do you have a pet?
haha... yes... hammies =)))
and my dad has 2 fighting fish
that he can't stop admiring...
and my silly bro brought a
silly kitten home...

15.Do you prefer calling? or sms ?
sms =)))
i seldom call ppl lehx...
ppl seldom call mi oso...

16.Do you eat every morning?
hols, no...
i wake up in afternoon...
save breakfast...
eat lunch can le...

17.Do you go on net everyday?
almost everyday...
there's nth for mi to do at home

18.Do you want to cry now?

19. What are you doing now?

20. What are you thinking now?
how should i keep myself entertained until 11.00pm.

21. What are you listening to now?
Wu Ding... =)))

22. Last person message to you?
think is huai xun.

23. Last time you get lonely?
when ppl dun talk to mi...
i dun rmb whn's the last time.

24. Last time someone made you happy?
haha... tv made my laugh...

25. Are you angry at someone?

26. Guitar or Drum?
i miss playing the guitar!
so funn...
i wann to learn drum!
so cool... heee =)))

27. Beer or Milk?

28. Gay or Lesbian?
haha.... i'm gay...

29. Do you like bi sexual?
like? i dunno...
never happened...

30.When is the last time people said you're a poser?
i'm not one!
i dun think anione said i'm one...

31. Do you like/love that person that makes you happy just now?
i have an average normal mood noww...
can't rmb whu made mi happy...
*bad memory

32. Do you believe that person?

33. What is your target for this year?
ehhh... many targets...

34. Do you rather shop alone or with people?
shop alone not funn onee...

35. what are your wishes now??
trying to think of a way that i would have
more money...
thinking of how i should save money.
thinking of why i'm so slack
thinking why i'm so paranoidd...

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