Monday, August 08, 2005

i'm just fickle-minded.
can't be helped.
it is just so typical of me.

I'm just plain eccentric too.
I have lots of weird ideas.

i shall explain why,
we were talking about
what we wanna be when
we grow up, our careers
something like that.

then i suddenly pop
out saying that i want
to be a photographer!
because, we were
viewing a photo exhibit
and the photos are awesome!!!
I like those that
are very abstract!

and ting` complained
that i'm always changing
my ambition.
which i can't agree more.
I ever read this book
that match your personality
with the jobs that suits you.
and it says that I gonna
be jumping jobs in future.
somehow, i think that is
HIGHLY possible!

i shan't mention
the LONG list of jobs
i ever considered, here.
You will TRULY
understand why I'm
so filled with weird ideas.
*laugh out loud!

It's National Day Celebrations
It's fun though
i miss almost the
entire indoor performance
as we were playing
at the reception
for the guests.

Made some blunders
here and there,
for going out of pitch.
but it was very enjoyable
though i seemed
very extra being the
ONLY 3m there,
since the performing
crew were mostly made
out from 3S.
*originated from 3S
as put by ting`.
but luckily there's
Ching Hong,
otherwise it would be even
weirder for me,
like as if it hasn't been
weird enough.

We went to the
new library at
Bugis, which i find
there's like 14 levels
*i think
and some levels are
used for exhibitions.
and I so tempted
to take out my camera
and just shoot a few pictures
of the photos exhibited
because they are really
It's very abstract.

the actual lending
library is at basement 1,
found lots of books there!

this is another case of
my fickle-mindedness,
I don't know what books
to choose from, which
to borrow, and I took like
9 books (english and chinese)
and slowly filter them
til i got 4, though not
EXACTLY satisfied,
but i think i gonna enjoy
reading them!

tmr gonna be
an exercising day
for me.
To think that I'm
even exercising is
*isn't it?

I want to get rid
of that ugly tan.
and start losing some
weight yes?

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