Sunday, June 06, 2004

Haha... got another questionaire if tt is wht it's called... whteva.... anyway got it from phy's bulletin... ^-^

1.What is your real, full name?
Tay Yong En ^-^

2.Do your friends really KNOW you, or is it just
a mask to the world?
erm.... duno leh... yaya they noe mi... but maby not everyone noe mi??? aiya stoopid qn forget it...

3.have you ever kissed anyone?
hmmm.... not realli? haha... I keep to myself ^-^ my parents maby... but maby tt was when I was very young coz I refuse to do tt to anyone currently... haha... ^-^

4.Would you go out with someone if they like
you,but you don't like them?
depends how mux I dun like them... erm... if juz frenz then still can go out lar... no big deal... if like I hate until core then erm... no way... haha...

5.If you were stranded on a desert island, what
three foods or who will you bring with you?
erm... 3 foods... erm... sweets, tom yam, and erm... erm.... water? coz tom yam very hot... haha... then hu to bring wif... erm... my crush... haha...

6.What color do you want your hair to be?
erm... a whole mixture of diff shades of brown... haa... ^-^

7.Do you know how true love really feels?
erm... dun think so... haha... nvr experience true luv whteva... haha... =X

8.Favorite songs: to name one :
erm... erm.... erm.... I like too mani le... erm... aiya... Disney Soundtracks, 56 songs and erm fast and nice ones... haha like not one onli... haha...

9.Favorite magazine:
I very very very long time nvr read magazines le... so no favourite lar... I buy magazine also dun read one... haha... waste my own money... ok lame mi... haha... ^-^

10.Favorite T.V. show: Charm! haha... nvr miss an episode but then channel 5 so long nvr show le... where is Season 7! or izzit 6???

11.Favorite toy: erm... think dun have... haha... dun play wif toys... I play PS2 and erm... computer... haha...

12.How important is beauty in a crush?
erm.... haha... how to ans? ok it's kinda impt but character also impt lar... haha... ^-^

13.Have you liked anyone you have never met
face-to-face before?
Not so high or crazy.... tt's too high for mi... haha... first sight maby got... haha...

14.Have you ever had a serious talk with
someone of the opposite sex?
erm... erm... erm... erm... let's see... erm.... think have... but duno can it consider realli as a serious tok... haha...

15.What do you want to be when you grow up?
erm... no idea... I can't be a vet coz I scare of cats and erm I can't be doctor coz I dun like I can't be lawyer coz I got difficulty in expressing my thoughts... haha... aiya... wo tin tian you ming... haha... duno...

16.At what age do you think you will be ready
for a girlfriend/boyfriend?
anytime now I guess??? haha... anytime... ^-^

17.How is your relationship with your family?
haha... gd lar... haha...

18.What song describes your feelings towards
your crush?
aiyo... too difficult for mi... coz I nvr pay attention to the lyrics of a song erm.. I juz listen to the tune haha... so u wan mi think of a song now also very hard... haha...

19.What are your top 3 favorite movies?
erm... I got too mani favs... also duno which is top coz all very nice!!!!

20.How long is your longest SMS chat? with
I duno leh... nvr bothered I long I chat wif anyone... but normally if chat is kinda long I guess??? wif alot of ppl? but tt is once in a while kind of thing lar...

21.Have you ever had a crush on a family
haha... my family too small for mi to find someone tt I can actually have a crush on... haha... no tt means... onli got 1 guy cousin... tt is older than mi... hmmm... haha but cousin lar... haha... the rest arh... one baby boy cousin... then erm... no more guy le... haha...

22.Have you ever had a crush on someone 50
years older than you?
haha... siao... like so far onli same age ppl... haha... dotz... 50? siao... haha... ^-^

23.Have you ever had a crush on someone of the
same sex?
ou count anot? ou count then got lor... not count then dun have lor... haha... ^-^ coz I got ou ppl haha...

24.Have you ever had a crush on an item?
haiz... getting more and more amusing... can have crush on an erm... ITEM? siao... dun have lar... haha... as in like tt item like siao izzit? then erm... erm... cute pink stuffs? I duno lar... my cds? erm... well the onli stuffs tt I take gd care of erm are my cds onli I guesss?

25.Have you ever had a crush on a place?
on a place tt I chao ji like one erm is erm??? erm... aiya... I duno lar... stoopid qn so funi one... haha...

26.What do you REALLY want right now?
erm... money? then rich then can buy lotsa stuffs... then will have new clothes, cds etc etc etc...

28.What do you plan to do this summer?
summer as in this hols? haha... erm... duno... study? siao.. erm... shop? no money... erm... duno lar... sianz....

29.When was the last time you cried?
can't rmb won't bother to rmb the date I cry exactly... but erm... din cry anytime recently though... so erm... duno whn's the last time... haa...

30.What do you think is more important in a
haha... both personality and looks... haha at least muz shuai to mi... haha... haha... dotz...

31.Burn money before?
hell money... haha.. if got real money I burn I surely not mental insane le... then go do tt... siao...

32.What is the fastest way for you to get high?
haha... see Renfu then I very high... if tt is wht the qn meant...

33.What's the longest time you went without food?
haha... recently is not even an hour... also chewing on stuff... but last time can few hours lar... haha I always eating de...

34.Have you ever biten anyone before?
yuck... I bite someone? myself probably get myself awake... haha... dun have lar...

35.Who/What would you die for?
someone I damn crazy in luv in... or erm... think dun have dun dare to die.... like so scary....

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