Tuesday, June 14, 2005

back to the times
whereby i am so bored
i do this kind of things...
which is okk...
people to get to know mi betta!
and if u are bored too...
sms mi!
chat wif mi!

here goes...

o1. wad are you doin?
nth... this??

o2. wad were you doin before?
watching tv...
but i got bored u see...

o3. who are you thinking of now?
maby someone... or maby not...

o5. wad tyme did you sleep last night?
i think i am beoming panda!
i can't seem to fall asleep...

o6. wad did you do last night?
do maths...
trying to bore myself to sleep....
toss abt bed..
but still din fall asleep
went to toilet
toss again...
still can't fall asleep
did english
finally i got tired
and fall asleep...

o7. wad did you last say to a friend?
bye bye! =)))

o8. wad attracts euu to the opposite sex?
character =)))
haha... their good sense of humour?
or maby their hairstyle?

o9. wad makes you happy?
when i am with my frenx! =)))
when things are happy and everything is great!
funny shows?
funny people!

10. wad are you wearing right now?
my recruits red band tee,
and my pri sch pe shorts...
my fav home clothes =)))

11. wad will you do after answering this?
watch tv again!

12. who was the last person you talkedto?
ehh... wenn` or ting` or li` or maby sp`...

13. wad do you want to tell ur crush butyou haven't?
do you like mi???
like i will do tat...

14. when is your birthday?
20th Jan
not good have bdae in Jan...
dun like...
dun have good bdaes
but it's getting betta =))

15. what you wanna get 4 ur birthday?
things i likee =)))
a box of sweets is oso ok..
i like sweets =)))
billabong stuffs?
lolx... if u have money!
or maby,
by telling mi how much i mean to youu

16. when did you last cry?
i can't realli rmb lehx...
i prefer laughing!
laughing makes u younger!
let's join the laughing club! =)))

17. when did you last smile?
i'm smiling noww...

18. why are u answering these questions?
coz i realli have nth betta to do...

19. when will you marry?

2o. when did u last receive a gift?
just noww,
my piano tcher gave mi a pouch
which her mum bought for
her whn she went for hols
(she bought too many for her u see)
then i gave it to my grandma
coz she like =)))

21. when did you last drink alcoholic beverages?
can't rmb...
long long time ago...
maby during malaka...
that's long ago!

22. who will you vote for president?
ask wrong person...
i not into politics....

23. who was the last person you talked about?

24. who makes you happy?
all my deariex! my besties!
my darlings!

26. who do u love?
my family!

27. who do you hate most among your friends?
normally whn u hate a fren...
they dun usually be your fren animore
do they???

29. who has the cutest smile you've ever seen?
my besties =)))

30. who do you talk on d phone with
i dun usually tok on phone...
unless u wanna tok wif mi???
i probably oblige in doing so =))

31. do you belong to a club in your school?
*scratch head

32. how's school?
ok laa...

33. any regrets?
nth BIG in particular...

34. do you take drugs?
are u nuts?

35. are you a shopaholic?
if i have money!
i will become one!!!

36. do you have someone in mind that you wish to get marry with?

37. do you like swimming?
not realli...
i prefer to play wif water!

38. do you wear eye contacts?
I have PERFECT vision!!!
=))) *yays

40. do you kiss your parents good night?
i dun like to kiss anione...

41. does your bf/gf often send you messages in friendster?
1. i dun have one
2. i dun send msgs in friendster

42. how about in e-mail?

43.hair colour?
jet black would be nice =)))
but my hair's not entirely black

44. hair style?
my hair's like straw...

45. feeling right now?
i need to go toilet...

46. what makes u feel that?
*stoopid qns
wht makes u feel like going toilet???
ans that!

47. how do you treat your loved ones?
by making them laugh...
by going crazy

48. are you loved?
i hopee...

49. weather?

50. what are u wishing for now?
for sth...

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