I WANT to blog sth! Like ramble about sth.
DON'T KNOW what to ramble about!
I was actually just thinking in my mind today what to write.
and I ACTUALLY thought of something!!!
but now, i forgot. -.-
yes very lame.
so I just typing words forming sentences here.
Most people haven't even start school.
And in August, I'm having 2 tests and 1 due Assignment!
FAST! hahahaha.
Feels weird but not so weird at the same time.
VERY BUSY! but I like being busy! what I've realised. =)
got to still make sure I make time for important stuff not just urgent matters.
Changed my links section to my photos.
Actually created a photo blog kind of for my photos.
BUT. I think 1 blog is easier to manage. hahaha.
sooooo after trying to think of a nice name for so long,
in the end, I still bring the photos back.
so yea.
I feel like playing with Photoshop!
Like go take some pictures!
I remember that I want to miniaturise photos and clone myself,
which I have yet to do.
Everyday passes VERY FAST!
cause I'm doing sth very moment, like b4 I know it, it's time to sleep again.
I think this sem will pass very fast,
it's already going August, and I've started sch coming 1 month!
then it'll be September, then October, which only has 2 lectures the WHOLE MONTH,
but then cause it's EXAMS already.
thennn NOV THEN DEC.
AHHHH there's goes the year!!!
if every sem passes like this, soon 3 yrs are over and I would graduate.
HAHAHA. lol. I just need to blink my eyes more.
School is ok and good.
Made friends =) Good company. =DDD
and half day most days and 4 days a wk for me. =DDD
God taught me sth today.
Really sponstaneous, ok maybe not for Him, but I wasn't expecting anything.
but I only realised what it is when I asked Him what is it that He wants to tell me.
ok. but for the short time, I almost went crazy!
but yea, God speaks to ppl in interesting ways.
And I love my office!
My boss is GREAT!
Read a newspaper article on sleeping today!
AHHH Made me wanna sleep properly!
time to put it to action.